Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bubblews New Social Network What is Different?

Bubblews New Social Network What is Different?

Bubblews New Social Network What is Different?

Bubblews New Social Network What is Different?

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To know more about it visit this link bubblews

Saturday, July 19, 2014

How the God will Judge Person Never Heard About Islam??

How the God will Judge Person Never Heard About Islam??

Please watch video to end may be this save your life in the next life?

Introducing The Miracle of Islam: The Holy Quran

Introducing The Miracle of Islam: The Holy Quran

This document gives the reader a head start in understanding the Quran and the purpose of life. The intent is to provide context to the very first few verses in the Quran giving the reader a more profound understanding of the Miracle of Islam: The Holy Quran.
The word "Allah" mentioned throughout this document is the Arabic word for God. "Allah" is God of the worlds. He is the Creator, the Cherishor and the Sustanor of the worlds and the universe.
The Arabic word 'Qur'an' is derived from the root 'qara'a', which means "to read" or "to recite." This was the command which the Arc Angel Gabriel gave Prophet Muhammad PBUH in the Hira cave, situated three miles north-east of Mecca (Mishkat IV p.354).
The Qur'an is the final revelation from Allah. In Arabic the Qur'an is also referred to as 'Al-Kitab' (the book), 'Al-furkan' (the distinction between truth and falsehood), 'Al-mus'haf' (the scroll), and 'Al-thikhr' (the warning), as well as other names.
For those who like statistics, you may be interested to know that the Qur'an consists of 114 chapters (suras). each verse is known as an 'aya', which means "miracle" or a sign in Arabic. The main miracle in Islam is the Quran. The first chapter in the Quran is the “Fatiha”, also called Fatihatul Kitab” the opening of the book. The fatihah consists of 7 verses.
There is only one version of the Quran. The original words that were revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The Quranic verses were revealed to Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years. The tone and richness of the Quranic verses and the text did not change in time as the verses were revealed to the Prophet PBUH. Unlike the Hadeeth, which is a collection of the saying of Prophet Mohammed PBUH, the Quran is extremely rich in meaning, vocabulary and teachings. Prophet Muhammad was himself illiterate. God almighty revealed the most amazing book ever sent to mankind to Prophet Muhammad challenging humanity with its richness and miraculous context. Today we intend to show you some of the richness of the Quranic text and the purpose of life by simply going through the first few pages of the Quran.
The Quran was revealed in bits and pieces. In order to understand one verse, someone must be well versed in the entire Quran. That person needs to have the whole Quran memorized, he or she needs to read the explanation as provided to us by Prophet Muhammad and should commend the Arabic language.
Today, many westerners try to mislead people with verses from the Quran taken out of context and solely based on translated text. There is no one single translation that is 100% accurate. The meaning of the Quranic verses is still evolving and we are uncovering new miracles every time we try to learn more about the Quran. Even as you read a translated text, you need to commend knowledge of the whole Quran and explanation before understanding a verse. For example the story of Prophet Moses cannot be understood by simply reading a “Moses” chapter. Such a chapter does not exist in the Quran. The story of Prophet Moses exists throughout the Quran and is spread over 73 different chapters with verses complementing each other.
Before we start the study of the opening chapter in the Quran, we should note that this chapter is recited by Muslims around the Globe in its Arabic form at least 17 times a day. Prayer is one of the main pillars of Islam. Muslims perform at minimum their five daily prayers. Each prayer is comprised of multiple units. In each unit, Muslims are required to read this opening chapter called “Fatihah”. God in the Quran says in Chapter “Al-Hijr” Surah: 15, verse 87:

Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you "Israel Crimes"

Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you 
"Israel Crimes"

We are not waiting any thing From Christians and Jews around world ,Before 1400 years ago Holly Quran send to our Mohammed and said in Chapter Name:Al-Baqra Verse No:120

"Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ) till you follow their religion. Say: "Verily, the Guidance of Allah (i.e. Islamic Monotheism) that is the (only) Guidance. And if you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ) were to follow their (Jews and Christians) desires after what you have received of Knowledge (i.e. the Qur'an), then you would have against Allah neither any Wali (protector or guardian) nor any helper."

See This Video

Israel Crimes on Gaza #GazaunderAttack

- more than 300 Palestinians killed by israeli army most them are children,women,elderly,2500 injury.
- israeli siege gaza since 2007.
- israel cut power electricity on gaza so we are fail in darkness just see electricity one hour only in 24 hours.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Last Israel Crimes on Gaza Images and Photos.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Defining Terrorism Facts about Terror

Defining  Terrorism Facts about Terror

Defining  Terrorism Facts about Terror:-

I am not here to defense for Those who Killing Innocent people around world,But Here for Islam  this great Religion which Islam words mean actually Peace and how to peace will come with terror, there is war against Islam to make it looking as devil religion , this war charge the Islam is Terror, Because they try to stop the People to convert to Islam because this  religion is most fast religion Spread around world why ?????????????? If You want why, You must  Search about the true what is the Islam?

So, Let me to tell you how west media "USA,Europe" Dealing  With Definition With Terror?

  1. There is two accident occurs in fort hood base in USA .First one is some ill and psychotic solder kill 4 Soldiers in this Base ,they never mention his name and said this accident has not any connection with terror??? Why? ask yourself Why? because he is original USA Citizen ,he is Christian.
  2. Second one as they Declare USA Solder Doctor his originate From Palestine, He killed 12 Soldiers In fort base, He has Connection with Terrorism Called Anwar Al Awlaki . Why USA keep the first one is hidden and called him Psychotic and not mention just the second as terror but his originate look who your media is double Fase.

Definition of Terror Facts:-

  1. USA from 1980 to now killed 20 million Muslims who is terror?
  2. Muslim never start The first world war, 20 million People killed ?Who is the Terror?
  3. Muslim never start The Second World War 60 Million People Killed? who is the Terror?
  4. Massacres occurs and thousands of muslim killed by christian in Serbia? who is terror?
  5. 20 million from original citizen Killed in australia?who is the Terror?
  6. Who has killed more than 100 million Indians of the American Indians in North America? who is the Terror?
  7. Who has killed more than 50 million Indian of Indians in South America? 
  8. From which the enslavement of about 180 million African slaves had died and about 88% of them and been thrown in the Atlantic Ocean?
  9. Who is kill One Million Algerian During French occupation?

Double Face:

When Muslims Do these Crimes the media will call Islam Is Terror,But when it done by Christians Just war or Crimes,Many Crimes occurred in USA Schools 10ths are killed just Psychotic do this. not terror.
Israel use against us all Terrorism Tools West media called this self defense, when Palestinian try to fight for their stolen home, stolen land this is Terror , Stop  we are the only people in this century still under occupation , and when we ask UN to Protection US under chapter 7 from Israel Terror USA use Viteo.
How many Viteo USA use until now, when there's charge to Israel .

Terror Has no Religion, No Home, No Nationality,No Humanity 

Just Few Facts About Islam:-
Islam Mean Peace.
Allah " the greatest Name of our and yours God" Has also many Names One of his other name Is Peace.
Our Greeting  is Peace upon you?
Also Mohammed Prophet has many Names on of them is "Prophet of Mercy"

Friday, July 11, 2014

What Is Ramadan?

What is Ramadan?

What Is Ramadan?
What Is Ramadan?
What Is Ramadan?

"Ramadan is to fight against your inner human desires. Sawn, the Arabic word for fasting means more than abstaining from food, drink, cigarettes or sex between sunrise and sunset, it's not a matter of external behavior. This is a private engagement between you and God. It is a fight against the inner man. It's also time to take stock of your weaknesses. If you break your fast secretly, it's just you and God will know. Therefore, it is essentially an annual test of your faith for a whole month. " Hanifa Deen, Muslim author.

Ramadan is a special month of the year for more than a billion Muslims worldwide. It is a time spent on inner reflection, devotion to God, and self-control. From sunrise to sunset every day for 30 days, Muslims abstain completely from eating, drinking, smoking and having sex. They also abstain from speaking ill of anyone, to swear, to breathe the perfume and even get angry or look anything illegal.

The name comes from the Arabic word Ramadan Ramida, or ar-Ramad, which means an intense heat and dryness, burning, particularly on the ground. Some say the name comes from the fact that Ramadan burns the sins with good deeds, as the sun burns the ground. While in ordinary times Muslims are encouraged to observe a voluntary fast during Ramadan fasting becomes obligatory. Ramadan is probably the most Muslim religious rite universally observed.

Ramadan is the ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar. We calculate the first day of the month according to both physical observations of the moon and astronomical calculations. This first day is not the same from one place to another because, in some places, it relies heavily on observation of the moon, and in others, it refers entirely to the calculations. The Islamic calendar counting from 11 to 12 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar, the month of Ramadan runs through the seasons. The entire cycle is traversed in about 35 years

We serve a meal (sahur) before dawn, preferably as late as possible, and another after sunset (Iftar), to break the fast. Prayer takes place a few minutes after sunset. Since Ramadan emphasizes community life, often Muslims share iftar with the nearest mosque and invite friends, relatives and neighbors at iftar.

The last 10 days of Ramadan are considered highly blessed, and especially the 27th night, the Night of Destiny, Laylat al-Qadr, night when the Quran was revealed to Muhammad. For many devout Muslims, this period is marked by a particular spiritual intensity, and they spend these nights to pray and recite the Koran. Three days after the month of Ramadan are days of celebration, called Eid al-Fitr - The celebration of the end of fasting.

Ramadan, or Ramazan also spelled Ramadhan (Arabic: رمضان or Ramadan) is the ninth month of Islamic calendar.

The French used interchangeably with the word "Ramadan" to describe the holy month for Muslims and, by metonymy, fasting or Sawm, which is one of the five pillars of Islam.

During this month, adult Muslims do not eat, do not drink, and do not maintain sexual relations from dawn to dusk. The sick, pregnant or lactating women or girls who are in their menstrual period, or any person with this fast could put health at risk are exempted. Fasting is intended to teach Muslims patience, modesty and spirituality.

The first day of the month is a time of celebrations observed during Eid el-Fitr, the feast of breaking fast.


Ramadama name was the name of the ninth month in the Arab world long before the arrival of Islam, the word itself is derived from the root rmd, as in the words Ramida or ar-Ramad, denoting intense heat , a burning ground and lack of rations. In the Qur'an, Allah proclaims that fasting was made obligatory for Muslims, as it was before the Jews, thus referring to the practice of fasting during Yom Kippur].


The beginning of the month is based on observation of the new moon.

The Muslim calendar is a lunar calendar. Therefore, each month begins when the first crescent of the new moon is visible. As the Muslim calendar eleven to twelve days less than the solar calendar and no intercalation, Ramadan shifts each year and gradually changes from one season to another. Dates of start and end of Ramadan, for the period 2009-2015 are: common era AH Start End 2009 1430 [4] 22 August 1431 19 September 2010 [4] 11 August 1432 9 September 2011 [4] first août 1433 August 29, 2012 [4] 20 July 1434 18 August 2013 [4] 9 July 1435 August 7, 2014 [4] 28 June 1436 27 July 2015 [4] June 18, July 16 Dates of Ramadan estimated between 2009 and 2015

Most Muslims insist on the local observation of the crescent moon to mark the start of Ramadan, but others insist on the calculation of the new moon or the Saudi statement to determine the beginning. Since the new moon is not visible everywhere at once, start dates and end of the month depends on what is visible in each place. Therefore, the dates vary from country to country, but usually only one day, this is the result of the lunar cycle.

Each year legal, Ramadan begins ten to twelve days before that of the previous year.

Example sahur before sunrise

The most important event this month is fasting. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims rise before dawn to sahur, the meal before dawn, before performing the prayer did soubh. They must stop eating and drinking before the call to prayer and it starts until the fourth prayer of the day, al-Maghrib. Muslims may continue to eat and drink after sunset and until the call to prayer of the day did soubh. Then the process begins again for another day.

Meal breaking the fast

Ramadan is a time of reflection and worship of Allah. Muslims must make more effort to follow the teachings of Islam and avoid the images and sounds obscene or contrary to religion. The thoughts and sexual activities during fasting hours are also prohibited; purity of thought and action is indeed important. Fasting is intended to be an act requiring deep personal faith and in which Muslims seek a raised awareness of their proximity to Allah.

The act of fasting is supposed to leave the believer daily activities, its purpose being to cleanse the inner soul and free it from all evil. It also allows Muslims to practice self-discipline, self control, sacrifice and empathy for those less fortunate, thus encouraging actions of generosity and charity. However, some level of self-control may be lost by those who suffer from eating disorders.

The elderly, chronically ill and the mentally ill are exempt from fasting, although the first two groups should seek to feed the poor in lieu of their missed fasting. Also exempt are pregnant women, women and menstruating women nursing their newborns. A difference of opinion exists, however, among scholars as to whether the latter group must make up the missed days at a later date, or feed the poor as a replacement. While fasting is not considered compulsory in childhood, many young people are trying to fast as many as possible in preparation for their future practice. Finally, travelers are exempt, but must make up the days they miss. The elderly, those with a disability or illness, and who have no chance to see their condition improve, can pay iftar instead of people who can afford it, they can also receive them in their house and feed them after sunset as a way to replace the day did not fast.

A person may inadvertently break the fast, due to an oversight. In this case, it must regurgitate the food consumed or immediately cease the activity proscribed. This can usually occur in the first days of fasting because the person could not yet be acclimated to it.

When Ramadan has overshadowed the festival of Ashura, in terms of importance, he took certain characteristics of the latter. According to a well-known hadith, the person who observes Ramadan properly will have all his sins forgiven. In another, "when Ramadan comes, the gates of heaven are open, the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained," and whoever goes will enter Paradise.

Praying and reading the Quran

In addition to fasting, Muslims are encouraged to read the entire Qur'an. Some conduct recitation, through special prayers called Taraweeh, which are performed in the mosques every night, during which any part of the text (or juz one thirtieth of the Qur'an) is recited. Therefore, the recitation of the entire book is usually completed by the end of the month.

Ramadan is also a period when Muslims slow the pace of everyday business and focus on self-criticism, spiritual cleansing and enlightenment, establishing a link between them and Allah through prayer, supplication, charity, good deeds, kindness and support. Since this is a month of giving and sharing, Muslims prepare special foods and buy gifts for family and friends, for the poor and needy who can not afford this may include the buying new clothes, shoes or other items. There is also a social aspect involving the invitation made to the iftar meals (meal ending the fast day).

In many Muslim countries and non-Muslims with large Muslim populations, businesses close in the evening to allow workers to perform prayers and consume the iftar meals, they reopen and stay open well into the night . Muslims can and do some shopping, eating, spending time with friends and family. In some Muslim countries, not to fast or display such behavior in public is considered a crime and may be prosecuted as such. In October 2008, a court of Biskra in Algeria sentenced six people to four years in prison and heavy fines.

Laylat al-Qadr

Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power), considered the holiest night of the year, is a commemoration observed in one of the last ten odd days of the month. It was during this night that the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel [9]. Based on the Quran, Muslims believe that this night is "better than a thousand months" prayer, good deeds and prayer: to pray throughout this night is rewarded as well as praying for a thousand months (ie a life), therefore many Muslims spend the whole night in prayer [clarification needed].

According to the Sunnis, this night is the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or the 29th of the month when, according to Shi'ism, tonight is the 19th, the 21st or 23rd of the month. However, the true date was intentionally concealed.

Eid ul-Fitr

The Islamic holiday of Eid el-Fitr, the 1st Shawwal, marks the end of the fasting period and the first day of next month, after another new moon has been spotted; Eid comes after 29 or so 30 days of fasting. Eid ul-Fitr means the festival of breaking the fast, during celebrations and festivals. When the fast is over, Muslims go to mosques in the early morning, dressed in their finest clothes (often new), for the first Eid prayer. Presents are then delivered to children, feasts are organized and visits to relatives and friends made; food is also given to the poor (zakat al-fitr). Prayer is two raakahs only and it is optional (SUNAT) as opposed to the five daily obligatory prayers.

During the next month, called Shawwal, Muslims are encouraged to fast for another six days known as-Sitta al-bid.