Saturday, August 8, 2020

قارئة الفنجان بالعربي والانجليزي coffee cup reader foretold Arabic English poem


قارئة الفنجان

جلسَت والخوف بعينيها

تتأمل فنجاني المقلوب

قالت يا ولدي لا تحزن

فالحب عليك هو المكتوب يا ولدي

يا ولدي

قد مات شهيداً

من مات فداءاً للمحبوب


بصّرت ونجّمت كثيراً

لكني لم أقرأ أبداً

فنجاناً يشبه فنجانك

بصّرت ونجّمت كثيراً

لكني لم أعرف أبداً

أحزاناً تشبه أحزانك


مقدورك أن تمضي أبداً

في بحر الحب بغير قلوع

وتكون حياتك طول العمر كتاب دموع

مقدورك أن تبقى مسجوناً

بين الماء وبين النار


فبرغم جميع حرائقه

وبرغم جميع سوابقه

و برغم الحزن الساكن فينا ليل نهار

و برغم الريح

و برغم الجو الماطر و الإعصار

الحب سيبقى يا ولدي أحلى الأقدار


بحياتك يا ولدي امرأةٌ

عيناها سبحان المعبود

فمها مرسوم كالعنقود

ضحكتها أنغام وورود

والشعر الغجري المجنون

يسافر في كل الدنيا

قد تغدو امرأة يا ولدي

يهواها القلب هي الدنيا


لكن سماءك ممطرة

وطريقك مسدودٌ مسدود

فحبيبة قلبك يا ولدي نائمة

في قصرٍ مرصود

من يدخل حجرتها

من يطلب يدها

من يدنو من سور حديقتها

من حاول فكّ ضفائرها

يا ولدي مفقودٌ مفقودٌ

مفقود يا ولدي


ستفتِّش عنها يا ولدي

في كل مكان

وستَسأل عنها موج البحر

وتسأل فيروز الشطان

وتجوب بحاراً وبحاراً

وتفيض دموعك أنهاراً

وسيكبر حزنك حتى يصبح أشجاراً


وسترجع يوماً يا ولدي مهزوماً

مكسور الوجدان

وستعرف بعد رحيل العمر

بأنك كنت تطارد خيط دخان

فحبيبةُ قلبك ليس لها أرض

أو وطن أو عنوان

ما أصعب أن تهوى امرأةً

يا ولدي ليس لها عنوان

ليس لها عنوان يا ولدي


The Coffee Cup Reader (Fortune Teller)

The Coffee Cup Reader


She sat down. Sat down

Sat down, with the fear in her eyes

Pondering my upside down cup

She said: "Son, don't be sad"

She said: "Son, don't be sad"

"As love is what's written for you"

Oh, son.


Oh, son.

He was a martyr.

Oh, son.

He was a martyr.

Oh, son.

He was a martyr,

whoever died for their loved one.

Oh, son.


I've foretold

Foretold and predicted a lot

But I have never read

A cup that looked like yours.


I've foretold

Foretold and predicted a lot

But I have never known, son,

Sadness that was like yours.


Your fate is to forever swim

In the sea of love, with no ship

And your life will forever be

Forever, books of tears.

Your fate is to stay trapped,

between water and fire.


Despite how much it hurts,

Despite its misdeeds,

Despite the sadness haunting us,

day and night,


Despite the wind,

despite the rain and the storm,


Love will stay, my son,

Love will stay, my son,

The best fate

The best fate

Oh, son. Oh, son.


(Your fate is to forever walk

In love, over the blade of a dagger

And to stay lonely, like a shell,

And to stay sad, like a willow tree


And to fall in love, a million times

And to come back like a dethroned king.)


(Your cup is a terrifying life

Your life is travel and war

You'll fall in love a lot, son

You'll die a lot, son

You'll love all the women on earth,

And come back like a dethroned king.)


In your life, son, there is a woman,

Her eyes, Praise be to Allah

Her mouth, drawn like a panicle

Her laugh, music and roses


Her gipsy, crazy hair

Travels around the world


She might become a woman, son

that the heart loves

She's life


But your sky is rainy

And your way is blocked

The love of your life, son

Is sleeping in a well-guarded palace,


(And the palace is large, son,

Dogs guard it, and soldiers

And the princess of your heart is asleep)

Whoever enters her room,

whoever asks for her,

Whoever comes close to the fence of her garden,

Whoever tries to untie her plait,

Oh, son!

Is doomed, is doomed.


You'll search for her, son,


And you'll ask the waves of the sea about her,

And you'll ask the Turquoise on the shores


And you'll wander seas and seas,

And your tears will make rivers


And your sadness will grow

Into trees


And you'll return one day, son

Defeated, with a broken soul,

And you'll know as the time passes,

That you had been chasing a line of smoke


As the love of your heart,

Doesn't have a land,

Or a home, or an address,

How hard is to love a woman,