SMS texting Meaning
BM Val Be my valentine
CU@ See you at ...
CU Soon See you soon
XO Hugs and kisses
IAD8 It’s a date
IM 4 U I am for you
Its F8 It’s fate
KOTC Kiss on the cheek
LDR Long distance relationship
LSKOL Long slow kiss on the lips
LTNS Long time no see
Luv U2 Love you too
Luv U Love You
MU Miss you
MUSM Miss you so much
QT Cutie
WAN2:-* Want to kiss?
U4E Yours forever
UR4Me You are for me
A3 Anyplace, anytime, anywhere
B4N Bye for now
BCNU Be seeing you
BOL Best of luck
CUL See you later
DNR Dinner
EZ Easy
FYI For your information
GMTA Great minds think alike
HAND Have a nice day
HRU How are you
IYKWIM If you know what I mean
L8R Later
JK Just kidding
MTE My thoughts exactly
NE1 Anyone
NP No problem
OIC Oh, I see
PCM Please call me
PLS Please
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
RUOK Are you OK?
THNQ Thank you
TTFN Ta-Ta for now
UROK You are OK
XLNT Excellent
brb be right back
btw by the way
imho in my humble opinion
imnsho in my not so humble opinion
lol laughing out loud
rtfm read the manual
ygm you got mail
:-) Smiling
:-* Kiss
:-D -- Laughter
:-)) Very happy
;-) Winking
:-& Tongue-tied
0:- ) Saintly
:-0 Shocked
:") blushing
:***-) body glitter
) cheshire cat
:-8( condescending
:- :- deja vu
(_x_) kiss my butt
<:3 data-blogger-escaped-mouse="" data-blogger-escaped-span="">
:@) pig
:-$ put your money where your mouth is
3 :*> rudolf the reindeer
:-y said with a smile
*<:-> santa
:-) smiley
:’-) tears of laughter
:-P stick tongue out
:-(*) you make me sick
x-( you're mad
:-" whistling
;-) wink
:-y said with a smile
*<:-> santa
:-) smiley
:’-) tears of laughter
:-P stick tongue out
:-(*) you make me sick
x-( you're mad
:-" whistling
;-) wink
Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk,
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alami st
Gaza -jabalia, Gaza Strip
Marital Status: Single
DOB: 05/10/1984