Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Importance of social networking to seo

Importance of social networking to seo

Role of Social Media in SEO

#Social Media 

Now uses of social media not became use only for spending time or build social relation ship ,or friend relationship around world, now social media became vital marketing ,and very important for advertisement and sharing ideas, news,articles,images,videos,....

if you are blogger you can spread your blog very fast by using the benefits of social media ,suppose you have 2000 friends in facebook or +google and you are sharing with them page from your site,it's like make free ads in 2000 Page of your friends,so suppose your friends make reshare to his friends and he has about 1000 friends,so it's like make continuous free ads in other wall paper,page by re share your ideas, urls of your site.
so I recommended you if you have site. make official account in social media, name of your page and account in social media prefer to be the same of your site name. and put your site info and urls of your site.
this will help you in spread your site in social media,and make it's as referral to your site.what is that mean?
thats mean increase your Page Rank.

Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk,
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alamee st
gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip

DOB: 05/10/1984
by +Ahmed Almahallawi 


SEO important of robot.txt for search engine

SEO important of robot.txt for search engine

SEO important of robot.txt for search engine

What is the Robot.TXT?

Robot file in txt extension  alway exit in root directory where is the home page or index page put.when submit your  site url in search engine the search engine look for robot file and act search engine according to robot file instruction.So robot txt it,s control the way of search engine in the site which contain the robot file.

what is contains?

it,s contain instruction written in english when search engine read these lines it,s act according to it,
1- determine which Search engine can crawl the site.
why i should specific Search engine why i can not allow all search engine, i prefer you specific the famous and know search engine to crawl your site. cause many  search engine crawl your site make it slowly.
also can spam site crawl your site links and harm you by make fake backlinks that affect your rank in search engine.
2- prevent search engine from crawl specific link or directories to prevent appear in  search engine like setting files and others (images,videos,...ect).
3- can put site map so can fast crawl your links.
4-other things can do it.

here is site can help you in generation Robot.txt

click generation Robot.txt

click another  generation Robot.txt

Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk,
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alamee st
gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip

DOB: 05/10/1984
by +Ahmed Almahallawi 


Monday, November 25, 2013

ما هو الجرين أو القرين كارد Green Card USA

ما هو الجرين أو القرين كارد Green Card USA

ما هو الجرين أو القرين كارد Green Card USA؟

الجرين كارد الامؤيكية هي إقامة دائمة في الولايات المتحدة  وتوجد منها أنواع وفمن هذه الانواع التي أعلمها واستفسرت عنهاز
1- جرين كارد للابناء بالتبني يعني إذا تم تبني طفل من قبل عائلة امريكية وليس في امريكا سيحصل على جرين كارد ولكن فيما بعد يحصل على الجنسية الامريكية.
2- جرين كارد للزوج او الزوجة المتزوج من أمريكية او امريكي على التوالي .
3- جرين كارد اليانصيب وهذا محور مقالنا الرئيسي.
ما هو الجرين أو القرين كارد Green Card USA

ما هو الجرين كارد اليانصيبي؟
كل عام تأخذ الولايات المتحدة ما يقارب 70 ألف الى 100 ألف شخص ليعيشوا على ارض الولايات المتحدة حيث ان ما يقارب سنويا يسجل في هذا البرنامج للهجرة للولايات المتحدة مايقارب 70 مليون شخص من جميع بلدان العالم ما عدا عدة بلدان مثل الصين وروسيا وكندا وغيرها جميع البلدان العربية والاسلامية مسموح لها فقط ما عدا غزة والضفة يت التسجيل باتباع غزة لمصر والضفة للاردن.
التسجيل عبر الموقع الرسمي مجاني 

الشروط المطلوبة
توجد شروط الصورة  ولقراة التعليمات على رابط التالي
الشروط الاخرى بسيطة أن يكون اكمل 12 عام من الدراسة تشمل المرحلة الابتدائية حتى الثانوية ويمكنك اضافة  تعليمك الجامعي. وطيب اللي معندوش تعليم بالمرة يجب ان يكون لديه حرفة ومحترف بها وعدد سنوات الخبرة 10 سنوات كالنجار بليط كهرباء مزارع الى اخره.
التسجيل ليس دائما مفتوح على الموقع الحكومي فقط من تاريخ 1-10 من كل عام حتى 2-11 من كل عام ز
نتائج الاختيار لمن كلن له نصيب  ولذلك سمي بالجرين كارد اليانصيبي لان الاختيار عشوائي لمن بياناته صحيحة دون اي اعتبارات اخره ونتيجة الاختيار في 1-5 من كل عام. ويت اختيار دفع اخر في شهر اكتوبر ولذلك يجب الفحص يمكن التسجيل كل عام وايضا يمكنك الفحص حتى عامين بعد ذلك يلغى الرقم الذي تحصل عليه ولذلك يجب التجديد كل عام وفحص بالرقم الجديد والقديمز
وبالتوفيق للجميع

Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk,
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alamee st
gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip

DOB: 05/10/1984
by +Ahmed Almahallawi 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

things that hurt and help SEO

 things that hurt and help SEO

these things you should avoid to do to be in top rank.hurt you.

Meta Keywords (unused keywords in content)
Duplicate URLs (use the same name of others urls- not referral url)
Overly long URLs (no set number like facebook or plus url for users, but you’ve all seen these)
Cloaking (comes down to your intent, but risky business for sure)
Link buying (buy faked link not backlink)
Selling links Link and like farms .
Three way links
Content duplication
Content Auto following in social media.

for specific details Read Common  Mistakes When Build Title Tag and How To Avoid Them?

things prefer to do it.help  in high rank,helped to optimize your site.

Title tags
Meta Descriptions 
Clean URLs (URL name must descrip page name spertated between  words by dash)
Images and Alt descriptions (also called alt tags)
H1 tags
Social sharing options
Unique content
Depth of content
Matching content type to visitor expectations (text, images, video, etc.)
Usability Page load times (to a certain point – faster is great, but not at the expense of usability and usefulness)
News – if you are actually a new site, submit for inclusion

Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk,
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alamee st
gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip

DOB: 05/10/1984
by +Ahmed Almahallawi 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

SEO Rich Snippets and structured data

Rich Snippets And Structured Data

Rich Snippets: it,s  few lines of text that appear under every search result—are designed to give users a sense for what’s on the page and why it’s relevant to their query.

Three steps to rich snippets:

Google suggests using microdata, but any of the three formats below are acceptable. You don't need any prior knowledge of these formats, just a basic knowledge of HTML.Structured Data Markup Helper can show you how to add microdata to your site.

To build rich snippets use this site it will generate ritch snippets .
SEO Rich Snippets and structured data generator maker

Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk, SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alamee st
gaza -jabalia, Gaza Strip
DOB: 05/10/1984

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Common Mistakes When Build Title Tag and How To Avoid Them?

Common  Mistakes When Build Title Tag and How To Avoid Them?

A website's title tags are very important for several reasons:

  1. title is show in browser bar, the importance of title it's what the people looking for in search engine.
  2. Title tags are a crucial SEO element that can help the website show up higher when people search for the words in it.
  3.  Title tags show up when web pages are shared on social media sites like Facebook. This is important because social media mentions are now a ranking factor in Google search results.

1. "Home" or "Home Page"
most mistake and commen many developer write the name of title of home page by putting name Home Page
not descripe the site or the main page what is contain.so you must name it what is the home page contents contains.

 2. Domain name in title tag Including the domain name (like example.com) in the title tag is redundant and takes up prime SEO real estate. If a searcher cares what site they'll be taken to, they can look at the green URL that's visible in the search result before they click. And web pages are automatically going to rank very high (at the top unless something is wrong with your SEO) when people search for your domain name, whether it's in the title tag or not. Put another way - Is it more important to tell people your website address, or to tell them about what you offer and show search engines a keyword?
 3. Too long Search engines display only the first 70 characters (about) of a web page's title tag. The rest gets chopped off and replaced with ellipses.
 4. Too short Short and sweet can be nice, but you might as well use all the space available to tell people and search engines about the web page. Making your title tags close to - but not exceeding - 70 characters is a good way to get the most out of your title tags and optimize your chances of showing up for different keyword searches.
 5. No keywords The purpose of your title tag is to tell people and search engines what your web page is about. If it doesn't include keywords, you're doing it wrong.
 6. Just the business name I know it's tempting to make your title tags be just your business name, especially on your home page. But unless your business name is 70+ characters long or contains several of your important keywords already, you should really include more so that you'll be found - and clicked on - by people who aren't familiar with your business yet. For example, if you were searching for a local business that sold widgets, how likely would you be to click on a search result that just said a generic business name like "Jones & Jones, Inc."? You probably wouldn't waste your time clicking on a search result that doesn't make it clear the company is in your city and or that it sells what you're looking for. Because the title tag doesn't make it clear what Jones & Jones sells, or where they're located, search engines are less likely to rank that result high in search results.

 7. First few words aren't important or eye-catching Research shows that people scan search results quickly. Searchers pay the most attention to the first few words in search results, and the first few results on the page. The heat map at right shows you where people tend to click in a page of Google search results. Make the first few words of your title tags count by including the keywords you think will be most relevant to searchers. Or write something that will catch people's attention. Put your best foot forward, and cut the meaningless fluff. For example, I searched for "cat toilet training" and found the search result shown below. It did catch my attention and make me read the whole search entry to see if it was really what I was looking for. But many people would just skip it, and focus on the search results that mention their search terms right up front.

 8. Doesn't include geographic location - if location is important If you have a physical retail location, or if you want to target customers in a specific region, you should make it clear to searchers and search engines where you're located. Include your neighborhood, city, state, or county - whatever makes most sense for your business - in your title tag and in other website content.

 9. Too many keywords (spammy looking) If your title tag is just a long string of keywords, it might rank well for those keywords, but the real live people searching for those words will probably be less likely to click that result. Here are two examples of keyword-filled title tags in a search result:

Ahmed Almahallawi
Al alamee st Jabalia, Gaza Strip 00000
Phone: 970599570622
by +Ahmed Almahallawi 

Rating: 4.5

زيادة عدد المتابعين على تويتر

 increase number of follower in twitter 

زيادة عدد المتابعين على تويتر

توجد الكثير من المواقع التي تعرض زيادة عدد المتابعين بعضها مجاني والاخرمقابل مبلغ ما.وبعضها يعرض الاثنين معا.
هذا احد المواقع التي تعاملت معه وزاد  لي  عدد المتابعين كل معليك فعله اتبع الخطوات التالية.
1- افتح موقع توتير وادخل في حسابك الشخصي.
2- اذهب للموقع التالي http://twiends.com
عند الذهاب اتبع الخطوات التالية كما في الصورة.
increase number of follower in twitter
للوصول لهذه الصفحة عليك ضغط زر login ولديك 3  خيارات للتسجيل اما بحساب.
1-توتير ولذلك سيربط تلقائيا لاننا دخلنا لحسابنا على توتير  مسبقا.
2- انستاقرام يجب    ان يكون لديك حساب.
3 بتسجيل حساب جديد وفيما بعد تربطه بتويتر.

الخطوة التالية:- تظهرالصفحة التالية
increase number of follower in twitter
نضغط على  الزر كما يشير رقم 2.
الخطوة التالية  تظهر واجهة الموقع الرئيسي  واتبع الخطوات التالية كما تشير الارقام
increase number of follower in twitter -part 1

رقم واحد تجميع النقاط اما باتباع الاخرين ويعطيك مقابلها نقاط ونقاطك تظهر كما يشير رقم 2.
اوبالذهاب الى كلمة discover تضغط عليها ثم الى start discover وكلمة عرض تغريدات اكثر يضيف لك نقاط دون الحاجة لاضافة الاخرين ستظهر كلمة  moreوتعني عرض  اكثر استمر بالعرض تجمع اكثر.
رقم 3 للاعدادات كيفية استخدام نقاطك وهي ان تعرض  نقاطك مقابل اما ان يتبعوك او يكتشفوك واختر ما تفضل.

Other Payment

  زيادة عدد المتابعين على تويتر
  زيادة عدد المتابعين على تويتر

زيادة عدد المتابعين على تويتر

Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk,
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alami st
Gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip
Marital Status: Single 
DOB: 05/10/1984

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

make post downloadable blogger pdf

make post downloadable blogger pdf

first you must logon to your blog account.to link the followning widget automatic.
second  go to this site  http://pdf24.blogspot.com after that as you  see in the next image 

choose the widget by click it,it will link automatic and add to your template,it's  prefer when open
your blogger account go to template and choose layout because when link you will see new button widget added automatic you can move it under body page to appear at end of your posts.
see next image where the download like appear in this example
note the post only will download not the template,the pdf look like article or any pdf

Monday, November 18, 2013

Why Managers Can't Be An Employee's Friend?

Why Managers Can't Be An Employee's Friend?

This is wrong?

this article divide to 2 section?  
  1. first is Why Managers Can't Be An Employee's Friend?                                                             as most think. first section is taken from an other site references at the end.
  2. Second Why is it Wrong?

Why Managers Can't Be An Employee's Friend?    

Why Managers Can't Be An Employee's Friend wrong
It can be difficult to care for an employee, yet have to tell them when they're not meeting deadlines or goals.
This is one of the challenges Katia Beauchamp, co-founder of Birchbox, figured out very early on.
Her challenge was "trying to figure out the balance of caring about somebody and managing somebody. I guess it’s what being a parent feels like — you care about your child, but you still have to ask them to do things and set goals and milestones for them, and tell them when they are not meeting those objectives," Beauchamp tells Adam Bryant at The New York Times.
She says she was so empathetic that it didn't work out so well for her as a manager in the beginning.
Instead, Beauchamp had to learn how to redirect people's energy if it wasn't focused. She realized she wasn't doing herself — or her employees — any good by being their friend. She had to learn how to focus on the highest priorities and say "no" when needed.
"Because what I want is somebody to develop me," she said. "I want that from my board and my advisers. I want people to challenge me. I don’t want people to tell me everything I do is awesome."
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/managers-cant-be-their-employees-friend-2013-11#ixzz2kxpLFk3K

Why  Manger Can be friend to their employee's?

   Sometimes you join to new job as manager.at this commany your best friend is work as emplyee now under your mangament what are to do?left this job to make your relationship remain with your friend or take job and  i do not care  what happen to my friends.you can take this job,because to be success as manager  is the ability of manager to built relationship with their employees this equal how to make them motivat ?
also you must show them how to be are you strong by making them discipline?when your friend make mistake give him  warn  and let him sign in paper he received this sign this for you when you are covering your employees and your friend and let him to be understand you will not warn higher level of manger but this to protect you and me,and if he did not he duty again. use another strategy,ask friendly higher level to transfer your friend from your department and explain to them he is good but sometime relationship between manager with their employee can became less  effort in work. if you are care in your friends.

Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk,
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alami st
Gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip
Marital Status: Single 
DOB: 05/10/1984

Monday, November 11, 2013

SEO Free Backlinks

SEO Free Backlinks

what is the backlinks?

backlinks is  display other sites websites that links to your post.also know as incoming  inbound or inlink.
The number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (for example, this is used by Google to determine the PageRank of a webpage). Outside of SEO, the backlinks of a webpage may be of significant personal, cultural or semantic interest: they indicate who is paying attention to that page.

Here is  most free backlinks help you to increase  your visitors

100% free backlinks garntuee worked. use it you will not lose any thing.

  1.  free backlink tool

free backlinks

2. IMtalk



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عاشورا لعام 2013 صيام يوم التاسع والعاشر من محرم

عاشوراء لعام 2013 صيام يوم التاسع والعاشر من محرم

يوم التاسع من محرم لعام 2013 يوافق يوم الاربعاء 13-11-2013
يوم العاشر من محرم لعام 2013 يوافق يوم الخميس 14-11-2013 
علما بان كافة دول العالم الاسلامي متحدة في هذا اليوم لان عيد الاضحي يتبع السعودية وذي الحجة يأتي 30 يوما 
ولذلك نحن نتوحد يوم عيد الاضحي والعاشر من المحرم.

فضل صيام التاسع والعاشر من محرم كفارة للعام الماضي.
حيث عندما قدم الرسول صلي الله الله عليه وسلم الى المدينة سأل عن صيام اليهود ليوم العاشر من المحرم قالوا ان الله نجى موسى من الغرق فنصوم هذا اليوم فصامه الرسول وقال نحن أحق منكم معشر يهود بموسى .وقال لأن عشت للعام القادم فأصوم يوم قبله أو بعده مع اليوم العاشر من محرم كي يخالف رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم اليهود.وقال أحتسب عند الله أن يكفر العام الماضي.
عاشورا لعام 2013 صيام يوم التاسع والعاشر من محرم

عاشوراء لعام 2013 صيام يوم التاسع والعاشر من محرم

أعظم أشياء يحبهاالله في دنيانا

الرجاء الانتظار 5 ثواني ثم الضغط على Skip ad في اعلى يمين الصفحة لتجاوز الاعلان و لنقلك الى المقال وشكرا

Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk,
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alamee st
gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip

DOB: 05/10/1984

Thursday, November 7, 2013

SEO Page Optimization

SEO Page Optimization


When working with one of your own sites, this is the process we recommend

  1. Use the keyword in the title tag at least once. some SEO Recommend do not try to duplicate Title Tag Keywords because it decreased efficiency of spiders crawl.
  2. Try to keep the keyword as close to the beginning of the title tag as possible. More detail on title tags follows later in this section. 
  3. Once prominently near the top of the page. At least 2-3 times, including variations, in the body copy on the page - sometimes a few more if there's a lot of text content.
  4.  You may find additional value in using the keyword or variations more than this, but in our experience, adding more instances of a term or phrase tends to have little to no impact on rankings. At least once in the alt attribute of an image on the page. This not only helps with web search, but also image search, which can occasionally bring valuable traffic. 
  5. Once in the URL. Additional rules for URLs and keywords are discussed later on in this section
  6. . At least once in the meta description tag. Note that the meta description tag does NOT get used by the engines for rankings, but rather helps to attract clicks by searchers from the results page, as it is the "snippet" of text used by the search engines.
Title Tag
tag title seo gazadreams.blogspot.com
 The title tag of any page appears at the top of Internet browsing software, and is often used as the title when your content is shared through social media or republished.

Titel Tag

The title element of a page is meant to be clear & accurate to describe the page content. It is critical to both user experience and search engine optimization.
As title tags are such an important part of search engine optimization, the following best practices for title tag creation makes for terrific low-hanging SEO fruit. The recommendations below cover the critical parts of optimizing title tags for search engine and usability goals.
Be mindful of length

Search engines display only the first 65-75 characters of a title tag in the search results. (After this length, the engines show an dots - "..." to indicate when a title tag has been cut off) This is also the general limit allowed by most social media sites, so sticking to this limit is generally wise. However, if you're targeting multiple keywords (or an especially long keyword phrase) and having them in the title tag is essential to ranking, it may be advisable to go longer.also short title not recommended.
Leverage branding

I Recommended ,To end every title tag with a brand name mention, as these help to increase brand awareness, and create a higher click-through rate for people who like and are familiar with a brand. Sometimes it makes sense to place your brand at the beginning of the title tag, such as your homepage. Since words at the beginning of the title tag carry more weight, be mindful of what you are trying to rank for.
Consider readability and emotional impact

Title tags should be descriptive and readable. Creating a compelling title tag will pull in more visits from the search results & can help to invest visitors in your site. Thus, it's important to not only think about optimization and keyword usage, but the entire user experience. The title tag is a new visitor's first interaction with your brand and should convey the most positive impression possible.
description meta tag robots tag

Meta Tag

Meta tags were originally intended to provide a proxy for information about a website's content. Several of the basic meta tags are listed below, along with a description of their use. Meta Robots

The Meta Robots tag can be used to control search engine spider activity (for all of the major engines) on a page level. There are several ways to use meta robots to control how search engines treat a page:

  1.    index/noindex tells the engines whether the page should be crawled and kept in the engines' index for retrieval. If you opt to use "noindex", the page will be excluded from the engines. By default, search engines assume they can index all pages, so using the "index" value is generally unnecessary. 
  2. follow/nofollow tells the engines whether links on the page should be crawled. If you elect to employ "nofollow," the engines will disregard the links on the page both for discovery and ranking purposes. By default, all pages are assumed to have the "follow" attribute. Example: 
  3. noarchive is used to restrict search engines from saving a cached copy of the page. By default, the engines will maintain visible copies of all pages they indexed, accessible to searchers through the "cached" link in the search results.
  4. nosnippet informs the engines that they should refrain from displaying a descriptive block of text next to the page's title and URL in the search results
  5. . noodp/noydir are specialized tags telling the engines not to grab a descriptive snippet about a page from the Open Directory Project or the Yahoo! Directory for display in the search results.
  6.  The X-Robots-Tag HTTP header directive also accomplishes these same objectives. This technique works especially well for content within non-HTML files, like images.

Meta Description

The meta description tag exists as a short description of a page's content. Search engines do not use the keywords or phrases in this tag for rankings, but meta descriptions are the primary source for the snippet of text displayed beneath a listing in the results.
 The meta description tag serves the function of advertising copy, drawing readers to your site from the results and thus, is an extremely important part of search marketing. Crafting a readable, compelling description using important keywords (notice how Google "bolds" the searched keywords in the description) can draw a much higher click-through rate of searchers to your page.
 Meta descriptions can be any length, but search engines generally will cut snippets longer than 160 characters, so it's generally wise to stay in these limits. In the absence of meta descriptions, search engines will create the search snippet from other elements of the page.
 For pages that target multiple keywords and topics, this is a perfectly valid tactic. Not as Important Meta Tags Meta Keywords The meta keywords tag had value at one time, but is no longer valuable or important to search engine optimization. For more on the history and a full account of why meta keywords has fallen into disuse, read Meta Keywords Tag 101 from SearchEngineLand.
 Meta refresh, meta revisit-after, meta content type, etc. Although these tags can have uses for search engine optimization, they are less critical to the process, and so we'll leave it to Google's Webmaster Tools Help to answer in greater detail - Meta Tags.

More about Meta Tag , google Meta Tag , Bing Meta Tag

URl Structure

when you build URL for any page and want to Use ,put these things in Your mind to Your URL Friendly For Search Engine.

  1. URL must have meaning,for example www.yoursite.com/122343447238.html as you see the 122343447238.html did not give any meaning when use meaning for this page can easy predict the name of your page by your users,also can easy indexed by spiders,this page can named like this SEO-page-Optimization.html when 
  2. named the URL replace the spaces by dash - not underscore or any other chars (*,%) also replace by (-),spiders replace dash (-) and special chars by Spaces. 
  3. Dangerous of overuse the url name,this cause your site low rank ,because duplicate the url,so you must use your art to prevent use other url for example SEO-page-Optimization.html so to prevent over use you can add your site name to look like this SEO-page-Optimization-gazadreams.html 
  4. Shorten URL is Better While a descriptive URL is important, minimizing length and trailing slashes will make your URLs easier to copy and paste (into emails, blog posts, text messages, etc) and will be fully visible in the search results.

SEO Page Optimization
Learn about SEO Page Optimization. Event date:

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Monday, November 4, 2013

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أفضل برنامج لقراءة ملفات أدوبي

Ahmed Ata Almahallawi
IT Help Desk,
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alami st
Gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip
Marital Status: Single 
DOB: 05/10/1984

SEO: Common Reasons why pages Not Reachable

SEO: Common Reasons why pages Not Reachable 

1- Form Submission .

Protected pages that need logon submission by users  and  contain  important information,will
not be able to crawl  by search engines ,because search engines can not create logon and crawl the
pages protected. so you have one good choice,describe what behind form submission in page logon.

2- Robots don't use search forms .
Although this relates directly to the above warning on forms, it's such a common problem that it bears mentioning. Some webmasters believe if they place a search box on their site, then engines will be able to find everything that visitors search for. Unfortunately, spiders don't perform searches to find content, and thus, its millions of pages are hidden behind inaccessible walls, doomed to anonymity until a spidered page links to it

3- Links in unparseable Javascript.
Some developers put Hyperlinks in javascript files or css files.Search engine did not crawl such as these files .it just crawl Html files.

4-Links in flash, java, or other plug-ins
The links embedded inside the flash sites is a perfect illustration of this phenomenon. Although dozens of links are listed and linked to on the flash page, no spider(Search Engine) can reach them through the site's link structure, rendering them invisible to the engines (and un-retrievable by searchers performing a query).

5-Links pointing to pages blocked by the meta robots tag or robots.txt
The Meta Robots tag and the Robots.txt file both allow a site owner to restrict spider access to a page. Just be warned that many a webmaster has unintentionally used these directives as an attempt to block access by rogue bots, only to discover that search engines cease their crawl.

6-Links on pages with many hundreds or thousands of links
Put so many links in one page will make your site in hazard,and become define as spam by spiders,because spider (search engine )they have define page must not have max 100 link per page,so do not put too much links.
Frames or I-frames

7-Technically, links in both frames and I-Frames are crawlable, but both present structural issues for the engines in terms of organization and following. Unless you're an advanced user with a good technical understanding of how search engines index and follow links in frames, it's best to stay away from them.

If you do this,you will guarantee that spiders will have full access to crawl your site pages

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Ahmed Almahallawi

SEO:What is Keywords "Key words" usage & targeting.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

SEO Crawlable Link Structure.

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SEO Crawlable Link Structure.

Follow Me.
IT Help Desk, System Analyst
SEO Arabic Expert ,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alami st
gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip

Friday, November 1, 2013

SEO Design & Development web pages Friendly For Search Engines

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SEO Design & Development Web pages Friendly For Search Engine & human

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IT Help Desk,Analyst
SEO Arabic Expert ,PHP,C#,ASPX
Al alami st
gaza -jabaliaGaza Strip