RSS is used for distributing headlines, new content and notifications to many people with the use of programs that manage the material. RSS notifies the readers or internet users automatically whenever the new content, news of their interest arrives at the website.
RSS feeds can be accessed by RSS aggregators. RSS aggregators are downloaded in the subscriber computer. RSS aggregators collect RSS feeds of the subscriber interest from all the websites. Then RSS aggregators present these feeds to subscribers in a readable format.
RSS feeds use XML that is EXtensible Markup Language. While using XML, if any tag is missing then it may create problems for you. RSS feed includes title that is given to the article, short description and a link to your original article. RSS feeds serve as a great communication medium to the businessmen. If they are managed properly then they bring most of the traffic to a website. If RSS feeds are updated often, then they will definitely catch the attention of search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and MSN and will easily get indexed in these search engines.
Rss feed also Important for SEO, It,s Help to distribute Your Site in many application and Devices Such As Phone.
So RSS it,s attract more visitors to your site
SEO experience,PHP,C#,ASPX,SQL
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